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Janet Raymer



My Story

He Yaall!!! My name is Janet!!! From the day that I had a Scentsy consultant hand me one little wax cube to test the Scentsy waters, I became HOOKED!!!! That little wax cube changed my life forever!!!! I started using/buying Scentsy like a true addict!!! I decided I should throw an online party because why not get what I already loved FOR FREE right!? Plus there was absolutely NOTHING to loose if my party didn't do well .The party went a million times better then I ever could have imagined!!! Scentsy really does sell itself!!!! A handful of people from my party told I should join the team, so I said, "what the heck" Get cash back on all of my purchases??? YES PLEASE!!! And then all of a sudden, I was meeting so many Wonderful men and woman that shared my same thoughts and views, and making life long friends, and earning money while doing it!!!! Could this really be true???? Have I been dreaming this whole time???NOPE!!! THIS IS REAL AND I LITERALLY LOVE MY JOB!!!!!

What's warming in my home